Apex Legends players choose forgotten legend over Newcastle: The playing habits of those who occupy Apex Legendsvast’s variety of lobbies are constantly changing, with new content releases and updates routinely altering the state of the game and providing a good chance for players to develop new tactics and preferences.
Naturally, people rush to new characters like Newcastle whenever they introduced, looking for a chance to try something new.
However, as witnessed with Apex’s Season 13, an upgrade may occasionally have unanticipated implications, like Lifeline’s sudden comeback to popularity.
Apex Legends players over Newcastle prefer Lifeline.
User Salt Concentrate2937 provided a brief clip of a graph showing the percentages of players choosing to play as Newcastle and Lifeline in Apex Legends. With the latter lately overtaking the former in popularity.
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The thread that followed gave various views as to why this tendency has evolved. With Apex veterans contributing their professional insight.
Some speculated that it was a result of players deciding that Lifeline offers a better or more effective playstyle than Newcastle, with one user claiming that “Lifeline’s kit is more solo-friendly than Newcastle’s, as well as Newcastle’s tactical being a learning curve,” and another claiming that “being able to fight while reviving is a great equalizer.”
Others, however, speculated that the transformation was fueled by economic factors. With blingx2 remarking, “Honestly, it’s because she’s a free legend.” If there are alternative legends available, no one will purchase Newcastle.”
According to user SKy6Gaming, this economic reality is why they don’t feel the pattern is “indicative of anything.”
On the other hand, the graph shows that “lots of Lifeline mains are returning to her after trying Newcastle”. According to user SuperGamer1894.
“Newcastle’s (pick rate) has a large surge and decrease whereas lifelines don’t fluctuate much,” jerm face01 said. I think non-Lifeline mains would try Newcastle and then gradually return to their personalities.”
Whatever idea you accept, stay tuned for more information on Apex Legends Season 13, which began earlier this month.