Apex Legends veterans still make silly mistakes: Players of Apex Legends often spend a lot of time attempting to improve at the game when they’re not thinking about going on strike over gameplay flaws or logging off to have positive real-life meetings.
Sadly, it seems that a trained Apex veteran may still make a dumb error that causes them to pound their keyboard or controller in despair. No matter how much muscle memory you develop or how many end zones you perfect the timing.
This is precisely what occurred to the subject of a recent Reddit post. Whose regrettable fall from grace spurred considerable discussion.
High-level skills of Apex players can go missing.
Apex Legends veterans still make silly mistakes
This is what 5000 hours on Apex looks like. The user not-trump-ok said in a post that he made to start this topic on the Apex Legends subreddit. Sharing a video of them mistakenly leaping over a walkway to get a good shot at an opponent team member.
Other players responded to this message by admitting to having had similar brain farts. For example, LetsGetHIvern, who commented on the thread, said: “me on my 10,000th game on Olympus knowing very well the gap is there,” while SomeUnspokenGirl added: “can understand.”
Some did so with a mild dose of sarcasm, with users ThaiJohnnyDepp and DoctorJordi_ writing, respectively, “spoiler: nothing nice was that way” and “damn you should join up to be a pro.”
Others attempted to provide justifications or excuses for the error. For example, user wogolfatthefool said that the gaming chair was “slightly out of alignment,” to which BranislavBGD replied. “It was that one squeaky wheel on it that caused his sad fate.”
Alternative advice from user MantisR was that “Wraith must have had 5001 hours (in the game).”
Others said that a strong Apex player excels at falling through gaps. With user The-Fumbler saying: “You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.”
Whether or whether you’ve reached your peak Apex performance. Stay tuned to our page for more information about Apex Legends Season 13, which began in May.