Apex Legends duos ship chase like GTA: Despite recent problems with the game leading some players to contemplate going on strike and not playing it. It seems that some gamers are still finding enjoyment in Apex Legends.
Some players have found this entertaining by playing duos and trios match with their friends, which. If that’s what you’re looking for, may provide a little bit of a variation from typical Apex games.
According to a recent Reddit post, one couple recently played a duos match that gave them the chance to include elements of the GTA series into their preferred battle royale game.
High-Speed Pursuits Turn Out to Not Be a GTA Thing
Thechosencheese submitted a film on the Apex Legends subreddit to start this topic, labeling it, “My buddy and I did some GTA in Apex Duos,” showing them and a friend jumping into a trident and pursuing a few other couples while showering down machine-gun fire.
Apex Legends duos ship chase like GTA
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Other players expressed their desire for more trident-based confrontations in their own duo’s games in the comments section of this article. With user CallMeNurseMaybe writing: “Honestly, I wish this occurred more often in matches.
I’ve been playing since before Olympus opened, and over that time. I believe I may have involve in a trident chase only once. I’ve never seen one (in the process) either, and Zizakkz said, “I’m envious. It would be so much pleasure to join either trident.
The fact that you take damage if the trident itself is hit, rather than the trident having a health pool, is what electrapng believes makes tridents unappealing (and trident goofiness like this so rare) in the game.
A few other users also offered potential explanations for why trident chases are so uncommon.
While modifying this functionality could be essential to enticing more players to utilize tridents. Several people in the post expressed displeasure if Apex ended up resembling Call of Duty Warzone or Halo in any way.
Another user presented their case for the expansion of trident usage to include a racing-style game mode that still allows for the use of weaponry. Something akin to GTA Online’s GTA races.
The footage submitted by CallMeNurseMaybe likened to a genuinely legendary game by user fuzioncold92. Who wrote: “Dude, Simpsons Hit and Run redone.”
To learn more about Apex Legends Season 13, which began in May. Load up Olympus, get in your trident, and follow us on Twitter.