Vegans Can Enjoy Tamriel Thanks To A Skyrim Mod: Sure, Skyrim inhabitants get enough fresh air and walk a lot. But have you ever thought that the men’s and men’s lives may benefit from a little dietary variety?
After all, chowing down on red meat or eating until you stuffed may be the norm in mead halls throughout the region. Still, if you want to improve your athletic skill while also being good to the world. Maybe a new mod can persuade even the most hardened Nords to alter their ways.
Princessmely’s “Plant-Based Skyrim” is the mod in issue, and your relatives on Facebook are undoubtedly already ranting about it.
Vegans Can Enjoy Tamriel Thanks To A Skyrim Mod
According to its description, the patch tries to make Skyrim a bit less “barbaric” by altering areas of its culture that aren’t nice to animals and substituting meaty foods with new plant-based alternatives.
Naturally, this means that your character’s mealtimes will alter from before, but don’t worry about them losing out on essential protein and minerals; nutritional yeast and flaxseed oil, for example, will guarantee that the muscles you’ve developed while dungeon digging remain as strong as ever.
Although composed of plant fiber cloth rather than leather, your armor will provide enough protection.
Additionally, the mod assures that the décor you’ll encounter as you walk throughout the province will no longer make you sad. Both taxidermied and otherwise, the animal carcasses will have been replaced with something more visually beautiful.
That means no more bear-skin carpets or mounted elk antlers for your dream house. Which may necessitate a trip to Ikea.
“Oblivion had flaxseed collected from flowers,” according to the mod’s description. Because there is bread in the Elder Scrolls, yeast must exist. Why can’t humanity survive on plants as herbivorous megafauna do in the Skyrim tundra?”
Different races’ specialized diets also consider, with unique advice for Wood Elves and Argonians.
So be ready to live a more agricultural life, install it. And stay tuned for more information on The Elder Scrolls 6 and the wild world of Skyrim modding.