Newcastle’s abilities may render Lifeline obsolete: There will be more Legends to play as Apex Legends gets more popular. Legends are always better when they get bigger. But older Legends often get forgot and fall behind the times in Apex games.
Another of these Legends is Lifeline, a support and healing character who hasn’t had much work done on her over the years. Which has led to some of the newer Legends being better than her.
Newcastle’s abilities may render Lifeline obsolete
Even though Lifeline has a lot of the same abilities as Newcastle. They do it better, which makes Newcastle a competitor. Newcastle, for example, has a passive ability called “Retrieve the Wounded.”
This means that you can bring them back to life when you drag downed allies to cover and protect them with your revive shield.
The Lifelines passive was too powerful in the past. So it remove from the game. However, this ability is very similar to the old version of the passive.
Furthermore, Newcastle’s mobile shield tactical ability is a reworked version of Lifeline’s old ability that would put a shield in front of your ally as you revive them.
This ability call “Lifeline.” This makes Newcastle even more effective. As a combat medic because he can almost always stay safe while he helps a downed friend.
People who Lifeline is reviving can’t get back to life as fast as they used to. And they can’t get cover from Lifeline. Gibraltar is almost always better than Lifeline in Apex Legends. Because he can get back up faster inside his Dome of Protection shield.
The addition of Newcastle makes it look like Lifeline is left out as a Legend.
The Apex Legends community has kept asking for a significant change or rework to Lifeline to make her better than other Legends. Unfortunately, there is still no word on whether or not Lifeline will get any significant changes with the release of Season 13: Saviors.