Join Medallions in Elden Ring: Medallions are among the most crucial elements in the Elden ring. Why? Because they unlock many secret locations and permit players to travel quickly to other areas.
Medallions can earn through completing questlines or exploring the Lands Between. But getting them is not enough to speed up travel. It is necessary to collect both medallions’ parts to activate them.
What is the best way to activate them? Do not worry, and we have our guide on joining medallions within Elden Ring.
How to Join Medallions in Elden Ring?
There are two parts to both the Dectus and the Haligtree Secret medallions. It would help if you collected each of the left and right half in it at a place to join them. You can then use a hidden pathway or location when you have joined them. Below are the steps to join and activate the Dectus Medallion:
How to Join Dectus Medallion?
- The first step is to get both halves of the Dectus medallion. You can find the left Dectus medallion from Fort Haight. Fort Haight is located southwest of the Limgrave.
- The castle is a mini-dungeon. Therefore, you are likely to be confronted by enemies. The left side is situated in the upper part of the castle within the treasure chest.
- To get the correct medallion, We must go for Forth Faroth, located in Dragonbarrow.
- It lies to the northeast of the Caelid region.
- When you are inside the fort, make a straight turn until you come across the fort’s step ladder.
- Climb on the ladder, open the chest of treasure for the second part.
- Once we’ve got both halves, we can head for the Grand Lift of Decius. Take the stairs up and then climb on top of the circle to raise the medallion.
- You’ll be able to access The Altus plateau after joining the Dectus medallion.
How to Join Haligtree Secret Medallion in Elden Ring?
- To find the left-hand half of the Haligtree medallion, you have to go towards Castle Sol towards the east on the Mountaintops of the Giants.
- Once you are there, you will be confronted and fight the commander Niall. There is the right Haligtree hidden medallion at the top of the roof of Castle Sol.
- To continue the journey for the second half, you must go towards The village of Albinaurics situated within the Liurnia of Lakes.
- There is a cavern by the shoreline when you traverse through the swamps and marshes. It would help if you found the pot hidden as an Albinauric called Albus.
- He will award you his proper Haligtree Secret medallion whenever you strike him at least once.
- Once you have gotten both halves, walkthrough Rold’s Great Lift to the top of Rold.
- After you’ve arrived at the exact location, climb the stairs and walk to the circle. You’ll be given the option to access two paths.
- If you lift the medallion that is secret, it will open an access point to Mountaintop of Giants; however, if you lift this secret medallion and then unlock the way to the Consecrated Snowfield.
That’s it for how to join medallions within Elden Ring. If you liked this article, take a moment to go through these other guidebooks on summoning Melina, where to purchase Arrows, and how to open up hidden pathways in the Elden Ring. You can find them there on Gamer Tweak.