Strange spacecraft problems in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga: Over 3 million copies of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga have sold. It’s a new record for the game, but there’s bound to be a glitch or two with so many people playing. A lot of the time, spaceships have been behaving terribly.
AllTheRandomNoodles, a Reddit user, shared a video on Reddit that had a glitch like this. Theed is the capital of Naboo, and while they were trading characters, they took over a Star Cruiser that was flying over the level. As the stage isn’t built for a flying vehicle, that shouldn’t happen.
Strange spacecraft problems in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
But it’s not the only time we’ve seen this happen. When TheBigCosb flew to a planet and took control of the Millennium Falcon on the surface. He didn’t know how to do it.
She had a level called “Galactic Cruiser” that was entirely out of control. Dropping people through the floor and into space.
Some glitches even seem to cause by spaceships in some way. They arrived at the Mining Complex on Mustafar. Only to have a lot of animation and pop-in glitches happen when they were walking around.
In some ways, glitches like this are expected in the Skywalker Saga, which is a very long game. Things like this can fix by resetting the game, but hopefully. The game developer, Traveller’s Tales, will set them in an upcoming patch. In the meantime, we can show you how to unlock some spaceships of your own. Such as the TIE Dagger and Kylo Ren’s TIE Whisper, which you can use to get to them.