Stardew Valley Inspired Overwatch Fan Art: Even though Overwatch has been around for more than half a decade, it still has a lot of people who love it and come back to play competitive games all the time. One of the game’s strengths is its wide range of characters.
As of 2016, there are 32 characters you can play as in the 6v6 team-based shooter. It’s one of the characters that have added since the game was released, and it’s one of them.
This character added to Overwatch in August 2019. It’s called a Tank class character. A good at putting up shields and changing gravity can be a big help to a team. Besides being powerful, he has a unique look.
As recently as a few weeks ago, one player tried to think of how this character would look based on Stardew Valley.
People who use the Reddit site called Em1liath have shared an image of an exciting gaming mix that they made between Overwatch and Stardew Valley. Because the Reddit user wanted to draw Sigma in the style of a villager from the game, they did.
Even though most people might not think of this as the first crossover, seeing how well they worked together was still pretty cool. The creator used pixel art to take a picture of Sigma that still had many unique features in the artwork. In addition, the image had a wooden frame with a label that said “Sigma.”
Stardew Valley Inspired Overwatch Fan Art
Em1liath has made a lot of impressive Overwatch crossover art in the last few weeks. This isn’t the only one. Brigitte and Torbjorn, and Baptiste are some of the characters drawn by the artist. They give the heroes a new look but still clarify them to fans.
Since I put this picture of Sigma on Reddit, many Overwatch players have looked at it. In less than two days, more than 1,700 people liked the tank’s new look. Some people made fun of the fact that Sigma’s forehead looked like it had a crease that made it look like it was smiling.
“Hahaha! Even Em1liath didn’t notice. Many people also said they were excited to see the artist draw more characters from the game in this style. It would be so cute if all the heroes looked like this. DILEMMA said on Reddit.
It might be hard to top this excellent picture of the tank from Overwatch, but it’s not the only one. For example, a gamer recently came up with a picture of what Sigma might look like when he’s older. It will be interesting to see what art fans make based on the original Overwatch in the next few days.
Overwatch can play on P.C., PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One, as well as on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.