Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is Coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Star Wars games are starting to gain momentum since the news surfaced that EA’s exclusive agreement with the franchise will be coming to an end. Soon, gamers will be able to play Star Wars games from studios such as Ubisoft and Quantic Dream. 

In addition, there are a lot of old Star Wars games being remastered. The next game scheduled to come out is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

Starkiller returns to a Nintendo Console.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed’s remake will be inspired by its Wii version, but it will feature Joy-Con Motion Controls instead of Wii’s remote and Nunchuk. 

The game is set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Players can control Darth Vader’s secret servant Starkiller who embarks on a mission to help him and his Lord Vader.

The games remaster will come with a multiplayer duel mode that includes the 27 Star Wars characters.

 Aspyr is handling developing the game. At the moment, the game is a Nintendo Switch exclusive.

 However, there’s no confirmation on the possibility that Aspyr will also carry to this version of the Wii edition from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II.

Fans can purchase the remaster version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed when it goes live through the Nintendo EShop at $19.99 in April. The pre-order option is currently open.


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