Gyroid Created by an Animal Crossing Fan: Nintendo’s Animal Crossing series has had the iconic Gyroid item since the first game came out. Each game since then has had its version of the dancing decoration.
Many Gyroids were added to Animal Crossing: New Horizons with update 2.0.4. Now, one of them has recreated in real-life.
Reddit user Plante babe recently posted a video of their real-life Squeakoid Gyroid from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. They used a 3D printer, a dog toy, and paint to make it.
The Reddit user explained the whole process with their post so that other Animal Crossing fans could make their own real-life Gyroids. They said they didn’t have the patience or time to make the items professionally.
Unpainted, the tiny figure has its arms outstretched to the side, and there are five wisps of hair poking out of the top of its head. Plante babe found the 3D-printable shocked expression Gyroid design on MyMiniFactory.
When Plante babe made the design for MyMiniFactory, she used Flexible TPU 3D printing filament. This made the Squeakoid easy to squeeze. After printing, extra TPU is removed from the Gyroid as it hollow out to make the squeaky sound that the Squeakoid makes.
Gyroid Created by an Animal Crossing Fan
Plante babe has used a box cutter to cut a 2-inch by 3-inch hole in the Gyroid. She also left a small air hole in the figure to make noise. The squeaker in the cloth dog toy Plante babe used is the same. You can choose from many different sounds in the Gyroid collection in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
A fan of Animal Crossing called Plante babe has used acrylic paint to copy one of the New Horizons Gyroids as another fan has done in the past. She used blue, green, orange, purple, and yellow paint to do this.
Plante babe has also used acrylic super heavy gloss gel to ensure the paint stays on and is more flexible when the squishy toy squeeze, so the colour doesn’t come off. Animal Crossing fans who want to make their favourite Gyroids should know that painting takes about four hours, which is a lot longer than other steps in the process.
Plante babe has said that they can’t 3D print real-life Gyroids for Animal Crossing fans. But a fan with a printer of their own may take on the challenge with Plante babe’s help.
Plante babe has said they are still working to improve the real-life Gyroid as they try to help others make more Gyroids. Share each step of the process with others to get them to make their designs. They regret not making a DIY Animal Crossing video for the project.
It’s now possible to play Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch.