GTA Online Griefer Receives Immediate Karma: In an open-world game such as Grand Theft Auto Online, running across players who don’t seem keen on playing well is expected.
Although many grievances resolved with just the targeted player hurt, Some griefers reward with what they deserve.
Sometimes switching to the passive mode of GTA Online is an easy method to avoid attacks such as those.
But it’s rarely feasible, based upon what the gamer is up to or doing. Terrorbyte vehicles equipped with drones or weapons like drones, for instance, cannot operate in passive mode. Which makes the player an easy target for a grievous party to arrive and smack them.
Reddit user MacTormod shared a quick GTA online game video that shows the tournament as it unfolds.
The players have seen themselves enjoying themselves driving their Terrorbyte without any currently active missions underway or a star-worshipped level.
The tranquility soon breaks when another Hydra jet pilot approaches another player.
Without warning, it appears that the Hydra starts firing with its explosive rounds, attacking MacTormod’s Terrorbyte.
Although this kind of attack might have caused immediate destruction to the majority vehicles of GTA Online‘s cars, however, the Terrorbyte is surprisingly robust and can withstand many direct attacks.
Although MacTormod attempts to avoid some of the attacks, a few episodes strike the Terrorbyte.
GTA Online Griefer Receives Immediate Karma
Instead of damaging it, however, the force causes the Terrorbyte to fly, and it can clip the Hydra’s wings, instantly damaging it.
Other players in the comments can’t say enough good things about the video-telling experiences of rebuke in similar ways. The anger that results from revenge isn’t possible because players disconnected. After making attacks identical to those mentioned in this video.
In the end, watching an individual who appeared to be not actively playing the game reward for an attack is very satisfying.
The other players on MacTormod’s servers probably appreciated the change of heart, too. But, according to MacTormod’s account, the griever inflicted havoc on players and even killed them.
After this embarrassing piece of revenge and a swift retreat, they immediately left or switched to a different server or decided to quit the game altogether.
It is also interesting that MacTormod winds up making a profit on the person who caused the grief. That he was arguing with made it an even more enjoyable experience for his viewers. And possibly his players and maybe his fellow players.
GTA Online can be played without raising a hand to fellow players, though many players choose to engage in a battle with each other in the game’s against modes or just playing in the game’s world.
However, spending large amounts of money earn in-game for vehicles. That could put an individual at risk of shot in the back.
Fortunately, that doesn’t mean every grief situation will negatively end. Those trying to make it from point A to the next point.
GTA 5 is available on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions in the works.