Scarlet and Violet’s narrative involves a Treasure Hunt: This autumn marks the start of the ninth generation of Pokémon. The brand has long been known for its catchphrase “must catch ’em all,” but Scarlet and Violet want to hook you with a new saying.
So today is the start of the treasure search.
Clavell, the director of the school you’ll be attending in the game, is issuing that call to adventure.
In the most recent teaser, the schoolmaster is heard discussing the Paldea area, where Scarlet and Violet based. “Travel over Paldea, get to know the place, [and] find something to cherish,” he urges gamers.
The “rich culture” of Paldea, as well as the new Pokémon, highlighted in the teaser.
However, as cliché, as it may seem, the relationships we make along the journey will be the actual value.
Nevertheless, it’s reasonable to anticipate receiving a prize for finishing Clavell’s treasure quest. Scarlet and Violet also introduce a new Terastal mechanism that, when used, covers Pokémon in a material like diamonds and has the appearance of riches.
Tera Pokémon may genuinely change their type in addition to their appearance. That will undoubtedly cause a significant shift in the competitive meta.
The experiences of each trainer will vary in Scarlet and Violet. This time, gym leaders and plot development operate differently, allowing you to complete the game’s primary tasks in any order.
In addition, the new generation allows for a four-player co-op as you explore Paldea and fight in raids. They’re coming back in Scarlet and Violet, and this time they’ll include Tera Pokémon.
When Scarlet and Violet show up there, there will be much to explore on your own or with the company. Numerous new Pokémon have introduced, including Fidough and Cetitan. As well as unique regional Paldea varieties like a Poison-type Wooper.
The introduction of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet on November 19 marks the start of the new generation. Preorders are now available; if you do so, you’ll get a bonus Tera Pikachu of the Flying type.