Minecraft developers confirm the latest 1.18 ore distribution.

Minecraft 1.18 is finally out, and that it’s time to begin exploring the depths of caves and find out where the diamonds are located with the updated ore layout. 

Fortunately, the creators have put together some valuable images and videos to guide you towards directions.

In the past, most Minecraft kinds of ore would appear uniformly regardless of the coordinate. That is, when you mined within the height range of ore, there was the same probability of being able to find it. 

Today, most ore is found to have a triangular distribution pattern that means it has a higher chance of being mined near the middle within the height spectrum.

Diamonds, for instance, occur in a triangular pattern spanning -144 to y16. Unfortunately, because the Minecraft world’s end is the y-64 mark, you will not be able to access the luscious diamonds forming beneath the rock. 

That’s because there will be more diamonds the further you go, and lower levels will bring your closer to the middle of the pattern distribution.

The table below, which is courtesy of the game’s designer Henrik Kniberg at Twitter, exposes every detail. The area where the distribution of minerals is most extensive is where you are most likely to see the minerals reproduce. 

Tech director Mikael “slicedlime” Hedberg explains the layout’s process in more detail on his personal YouTube channel, which you can look at in the video below.


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