Sabotage Repair Bays at Forge of Teach in Halo Infinite:  Forge of Teach is an optional mission in Halo Infinite. However, if you complete it, it will reward players with lots of Valor. Valor can unlock new vehicles and weapons and assist Marines to aid Master Chief while exploring Zeta Halo.

In Forge of Teach, players must eliminate five Silos and then sabotage four Repair Facilities to complete the task. To destroy the entirety of Repair Facilities in Halo: Infinite, a bit of planning is required to get into the tricky Repair Bay.

How to Sabotage Repair Bays at Forge of Teach

The Silo Control Panels are outside and are easy to activate after close enemies are eliminated; repair Bays are buildings that need to be entered to destabilize the attack. 

They are recognized by pressing down the d-pad on controllers to look around the area. Any small yellow cube appearing will be the control to sabotage the operation of a Repair Bay.

Northernmost Repair Bay door in Forge of Teach in Halo Infinite However, it is sealed. A scan of the area reveals a path leading towards the entrance. However, it’s not there. To take down the northern repair facility, players must go to the right side of this building (north in the maps) and then enter an underground systemTake the first left and the next left to reach a Gravity Lift in the tunnel.

The lift will transport players to Repair Bay. First, look for the yellow cube. Then move to it and hold “X” on the controllers to complete this portion of the task. 

This is the most rigid portion of completing this mission. Forge of Teach, but there’s a second sealed bay in the future. The Repair Bay is blessed with the option of having a panel placed directly to the left of the entrance for access.

The Silos need to be destroyed and identified by scanning yellow control panels before scanning for them. After activation, they expose them as Fuel Silos. Please switch to a Plasma Grenade in Halo Infinite to help them out.

For more Valor and collecting points, players can go to other available facilities on the map, including Ransom Keep, in Halo: Infinite

It shares similar objectives, and players may take the recently saved Marines to the mission to help provide additional firepower.

After demolishing all Silos and destroying the Repair Bays in Forge of Teach, Mjolnir Armor Lockers and Spartan Cores within Halo: Infinite, which are easily located. 

It is a collectible that can be played multiplayer, and the Spartan Cores can be used in the game to enhance Master Chief’s equipment and shields.

Halo Infinite is out now for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.


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