Get to Volcano Manor in Elden Ring:  Volcano Manor is one of the numerous Legacy Dungeons in Elden Ring. The manor is full of danger and challenges, with a demigod boss. Being so expansive and vast also implies many rewards and prizes that you can get from exploring the area. 

This is why it’s not difficult to understand why gamers are keen to know more about this fascinating location. This guide will explain how to reach Volcano Manor in the game.

Elden Ring How Do I Find Volcano Manor?

To reach The Volcano Manor, one must be abducted or killed by any Abductor Virgins. Being killed can cause you to take to the manor’s basement.

After being abducted and making it into the basement, you’ll need to get out and go to The Site of Grace at Seethewater River.

After you have arrived here, it is time to take a rest, and then you’ll make your way back to the manor. While traveling, you’ll encounter some enemies along the road to the canyon. While you are on the road, it recommends collecting as numerous volcanic Stones as you can. 

After that, you can turn left at an intersection and proceed toward the Site of Grace at Seethewater Terminus.

This road is also the route towards Fort Ladd. It would help if you went to Fort Laiedd, but we suggest staying close to the wall while you do. While you are here, you’ll encounter the Magma Drake

It would help if you fought to get through your journey. While you’re on the road, you’ll face the threat of a Rune Bear. If you are running at a fast enough speed, they won’t follow you, much less challenge you to death, so keep this in your mind. As long as you’re going in the proper direction, you’ll be at The Place of Grace, located at Craftsman’s Shack.

If you continue from this point, the road will lead you towards The Hermit Village. As you travel through this village, make sure to avoid the abductor Virgin. We advise you to make a stop when you are sure it is secure. If not, continue moving until you reach your Demihuman Queen Maggie, the boss

You must ride straight over her and grab your Primeval site of the Sorcerer Azur Grace, located directly in front of her.

As you move along, you’ll find a naturally-built stone bridge. Take a ride on it, then jump off the cliff. After doing that, continue to move towards the north until you reach the second natural bridge. You can also ride over this bridge.

If you get to the other side, you’ll be in a deserted camp. Within the camp’s surroundings, there is an unfinished ladder. You’ll encounter the Infected Scion if you attempt to climb it there. You must defeat it to proceed. 

After you have defeated the Scion and climbed the ladder, you can climb it. You will find another ladder to your left. If you ascend this ladder, you’ll arrive in the camp of a trader. It is necessary to climb the ladder that he is on to move on.

But, once you have done then, you’ll discover yourself in a crowded area that populates by soldiers everywhere. There is also looking at the monument of a sword set on the hill from this point. The best route is to walk toward the statue.

 When you arrive at the landmark, look out for a bridge made of wood in the cliff behind the monument.

The cliff also contains its own Ninth Mt. The Gelmir Campsite is a site of Grace. Visit this site, then reset all your foes.

As you move on, you’ll come across the Full-grown Fallingstar Beast. We do not suggest you take on the beast. Beware of fighting with this foe and jump right into the mountains below.

Once you have done this Once you have done that, continue cycling until you see that Volcano Manor. 

Then, continue going towards the manor to reach it. Then, you do. Following the directions provided in the guide can assist you in reaching Elden Ring’s Volcano Manor inside Elden Ring.

If you’re now aware of how to get it done, check out the Elden Ring Guides.


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