Elite Cars New Car Shop:  Car customization is one of the best features in Grand Theft Auto Online. Rockstar Games has launched new consoles and plans to enhance car customization using the current-gen hardware.

Grand Theft Auto Online has a wide range of cars and various customization options. Some vehicles are agile and quick, while others can be militarized war machines. Rockstar wants to offer players the ability to customize their cars to make them even more powerful.

Rockstar has announced the update to GTA Online. The studio also revealed that the update would include a new auto shop called Hao’s wondrous works. The auto shop allows players to increase their car’s speed to achieve “elite driving performance” that makes the most of the new console hardware. 

At launch, players can only upgrade ten vehicles – five of the existing cars and five of the newer ones. Rockstar says that players will find Hao’s Special Works during the LS Car Meet. More will add later.

Cars in GTA are highly customizable, particularly after the recent Contractexpansion. A player can paint the Weeny Dynasty yellow and sign on its roof. 

Elite Cars New Car Shop

The car will then become a taxi, but it won’t work. The Schlagen GT offers 86 customization options, including performance and appearance. It costs $1.3 million, which is reasonable considering the game’s standards. 

GTA Online offers so many customization options that players can build their cars. Rockstar will even let them drive their cars faster than ever.

Hao’s Special Works, however, will only be available to next-gen and PC players. Last-gen Xbox Series X/S and PS5 hardware users will need to wait before they can get the GTA Online experience.

The upcoming update can be enjoyed by players who have the latest hardware. The GTA Online update has many improvements, including PS5 or Xbox Series X graphics modes that can go up to 4K resolution and up to 60FPS.

 It also allows for faster loading times, HDR and raytracing, and improved textures and draws distances. While fans are frightened by the thought of a new entry in the GTA series, Rockstar wants GTA to continue for as long as possible.

GTA Online is now on PC, Ps4, Xbox One. The Xbox Series X/S and PS5 versions will be available on March 15.


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