All Poketwo Bot Commands on Discord:  Discord is a platform on which users can meet and share the things they enjoy. As a result, it has seen an increase in the Number of Communities that focus on various things such as movies, games, commerce, and many more. 

Discord has facilitated the capability to develop and even add Bots to assist and aid those communities. One example of a Bot includes that of the Poketwo Discord Bot. With this Bot, you can begin the beginning of your Pokemon Adventures right inside a Discord Server.

 In this guide, I’ll explain all the Discord Poketwo Bot commands.

The Complete List of Poketwo Bot Commands for Discord

Here’s a list of Poketwo Discord commands you can utilize on your servers.

  • The beginning of your adventure
    • P! start – Begins the beginning of your Pokemon Adventure.
    • P! pick Choose your Pokemon to start with.
    • P! helps display an alphabetical list of commands from Poketo.
  • Pokemon Commands for Pokemon
    • P! catch or the p! c – Catches a Wild Pokemon when one spawns.
    • P! hint, (or p! h) – Offers hints on catching the Wild Pokemon.
    • P! Pokemon – Shows all the Pokemon together with their Pokemon Number.
    • P! shiny hunt You can target the Pokemon to find a Shiny one. Every time you capture this Pokemon, your chances of finding a polished version will increase gradually.
    • P! evolve You can evolve your Pokemon If they comply with the rules.
    • P! nickname Create a Nickname to your current Pokemon.
    • P! order Sorts your list of Pokemon according to the method you choose. Note that Number sorts the Pokemon by chronological order caught them, not by Pokedex Number.
    • P! select Sets your most active Pokémon to that input.
    • P! POKEDX Displays all the Pokémon that have been caught and not caught for the particular player.
    • P! release – Pokemon are released.
    • Release all – – Release every your Pokemon.
    • P! un mega Reverts a Mega Evolution. Primals are thought of as Megas.
    • P! info Find information on every single one of your Pokemon.

All Poketwo Bot Commands on Discord

  • Pokémon Battles against other Pokemon
    • P! Battle (@User) or p! duel (@User>) – Take on the user that you tweeted.
    • P! Battle add 3. Add 3 Pokemon to the Battle.
    • Battle cancel – cancels the Battle currently in progress.
    • P! learn – Let your Pokemon know a new movie from the moves available.
    • P! more info Displays information about an individual activity.
    • P! moves Displays the current move set and possible moves for your current Pokemon.
    • P! move set Displays all actions of your Pokemon and the steps to obtain them.
  • Miscellaneous
    • P! auction Change the auction channel.
    • Daily or p! vote – Gets a Mystery Box if the player decides to vote Poketwo on Discord. Bot in Top. Gg.
    • Embed color – Changes the embed colors for your Pokemon if it comes with embed colors.
    • Event Checks for basic event information.
    • P! next or p! n as well as back and p! b The scrolling function allows you to navigate to the next and previous page while looking at a multi-page item.
    • P! open [amt] – Unlocks the Boxes according to the rarity and amount(amt).
    • P! prefix Changes the default prefix for a command to the user-specified value.
    • P! profile Displays the profile of the player.
    • P! seversilence – Disables leveling higher messages from the server. This Bot is going to DM you with the identical.
    • Time – Indicates the Time of Day.

All of these were commands for Poketwo. Poke two Discord Bot. The list isn’t complete, but more powers are unlocked as you play. I’ll be updating this list in the near time. We hope that this guide has been of help to you. We also recommend you to read our other directions, such as discord’s Chip Bot commands and Their uses.


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