A Minecrafter Makes a Wordle:  You can play Wordle every day on the web and try to guess the hidden word in six tries. It sounds simple, and it is, which is probably why it’s so popular. The New York Times bought the game. It’s spawning a lot of Wordle clones that play around with the format.

This isn’t the first time the video game community has made their version of a concept. Minecraft user Josh Wardle’s puzzle game has reimagined in the blocky world of Minecraft.

User gurgle gurgle posted a short clip to Reddit a few days ago. They’ve made their own Wordle-style game in Minecraft, called “Word Hunt.” It has a fully functional QWERTY keyboard, and it was all done in the vanilla version of Minecraft, so there were no mods.

How did they code “the most complicated features”? They also talk about how they were able to make the daily word the same for every player and not be able to store the dictionary in their game. It also comes with a link for anyone who wants to play it.

There is still a lot of talk about Wordle. The New York Times bought it back in January, and its popularity hasn’t been as high as it was before. However, it’s still going strong, with people worldwide trying to do better each day. Even though there are so many different ways of playing, it shows that the word game itself is still popular.

This is also not the first time the word game has used with a Mojang-made game. Last month, someone else used Redstone to make Wordle in Minecraft. This new version looks more like the source material that inspired it, but this Redstone version is still impressive because it takes advantage of the popularity of the web-based game.

Wordle may be out of the spotlight soon, but Minecraft’s star only seems to be getting brighter. They show there is a lot of potential in the game. With Minecraft fans making so many useful things with Redstone and the huge buildings that players try to make, the game is still a big deal.

Minecraft is now available on mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One. You can also play it on Xbox One and PS4.



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