Witch Queen Raid in Destiny 2: Bungie is gearing up to release the expansion pack’s main piece of endgame content: the raid. No official confirmation on the raid’s title, though a press release seems to have slipped up on that front.
The latest Destiny 2 press release focused heavily on the Witch Queen DLC. However, it also included a section on the upcoming world-first raid race, which begins on March 5th, which clearly stated the raid’s title.
The Witch Queen pyramid raid’s title is “The Vow of the Disciple.” While no overt mentions of “The Disciple” in established lore have made, some cutscenes in the Witch Queen DLC and the raid’s location within a broken-down Darkness pyramid may indicate the appearance of a new Darkness-aligned race. Bungie has also stated that the Witch Queen raid will continue the story.
The Destiny 2 community is sifting through the new Witch Queen lore to figure out the raid’s final boss. Interestingly, none of the significant Witch Queen campaigns reveals she refutes the Worm God theory. The Hive’s deities appear to be minor characters in the campaign. So “The Disciple” could be one of these ancient creatures.
While the nature of the pyramid raid remains unknown, going in unprepared is a proven fact. Whether it’s a Worm God or a new Darkness entity, the final boss will be challenging. Players are already planning to level up quickly in Destiny 2 Season 16 to reach the contest mode limits.
So, if the Witch Queen campaign indicates what to expect in The Vow of the Disciple. The first raid race may be one of the most difficult yet. Clan Redeem took almost 19 hours to figure out The Last Wish raid race, and something similar may happen on March 5th.
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