Warzone Players Are Inspiring Caldera’s Red Doors: The Call of Duty game Warzone has present, causing a lot of disappointment and discontent in the community.
This has resulted in many Call of Duty: Warzone players seeking a return to the previous battle royale game map Verdansk and they claim to have more minor problems.
Maybe to compromise the Call of Duty: Warzone players are looking at ways Verdansk could incorporate into the brand new Caldera map.
One example is to bring Verdansk’s doors in the red back.
A well-known article in the Call of Duty: Warzone subreddit suggests red doors being reintroduced to Caldera in the hope that they can be used by bringing players back to the secret zones in Verdansk.
The message means to be more of a joke rather than a serious suggestion.
It spun into players wanting Verdansk returned to replace by Caldera.
But, while doing so, the player shared an idea that many Calls of Duty: Warzone players think merits a closer study.
The thread’s responses offer suggestions for how this feature might put into place.
One response mentions how the red doors in Caldera could take you back towards “restricted regions”. Of Verdansk and mentions the Prison in particular.
Warzone Players Are Inspiring Caldera’s Red Doors
The response goes as that they say these areas might contain Verdansk-related loot that could bring back to Caldera.
Another answer mentions traveling to the Verdansk dam that can jump off and bring gamers back to Caldera in mid-air.
Others don’t think the red doors and teleportation system as accurate, even though they like the idea.
One of the strongest arguments against the idea is how prominent Verdansk locations could make Call of the Duty: Warzone‘s file size.
Although it’s an interesting concept on paper, it’s unlikely to be managed.
If you’re not familiar with doorways in red, these were places that add to the 1980s version of Call of Duty: Warzone‘s Verdansk map.
There were more than 30 places where red doors could spawn, but they didn’t appear every time you played.
They would permit players to go to the station and collect loot. Before eventually relocating to another spot on the map.
It was an exciting and enjoyable feature that added to the intrigue of Verdansk.
Although Caldera isn’t required to have doors with red. It is evident from the feedback that it could improve beyond what it’s currently providing.
Adding a personality to the map is certainly not a bad idea.
However, the references to Verdansk can cause more demands for Caldera to remove from the community.
Raven Software is not in a favorable circumstance.
Call of Duty: Warzone is available for download now across PC, PS4, and Xbox One.