Skull & Bones and Riders Republic include climate change ocean occurrences: Ubisoft has maintained that there was no “political commentary” in the plots and objectives of their games. Nevertheless, Ubisoft clung to their assertion, particularly in the techno-Fascist setting of Watch Dogs.
This mindset seems to be changing now that two games include ecological themes like climate change in upcoming in-game activities.
One of the two games is Skull & Bones, which has been eagerly awaited. Although a release date for the pirate life simulation is currently unknown. We do know that it will contain an overfishing event.
Playing for the Planet is a group that focuses on using video games to solve different ecological challenges. And Ubisoft has cooperated with them. Skull & Bones’ “initial activation will address resource exploitation.
We are showcasing what occurs in the game world and the natural world when the demand for shark fins leads to the overfishing of sharks,” according to information on the group’s website.
Players will have “the chance to contribute to the conservation of marine animals and understand the devastating nature of the shark fin trade” thanks to the seasonal event.
Skull & Bones and Riders Republic include climate change ocean occurrences
According to reports, Skull & Bones will release in November. However, before that, it probably will include at Ubisoft’s Gamescom 2022 showcase.
The Riders Republic event seems a little over the top, but sometimes shock require for instruction. For example, according to a report from Axios, players could come in over the following months to discover the game’s forest on fire.
Parts of the forest will cut off as part of Project Phoenix, as the event know internally at Ubisoft. This suggests that riders are unable to breathe there owing to adjacent flames. Fortunately, a strategy to put out the fires will also use.
Seeing how the gaming industry has embraced these challenges through in-game educational activities is encouraging. It’s even extraordinary to see Ubisoft support the cause after claiming apoliticism for so long.
Of course, you may always volunteer or make a charitable donation if you want to take personal responsibility for the solution.
The Clean Air Task Force is one of the most reputable organizations in the battle against climate change. While the Shark Trust devote to shark conservation across the globe.