Prevent Fall Damage & How It Works in Elden Ring: The fall damage isn’t as significant in Elden Ring as in Dark Souls. One of the most appealing aspects of Fall Damage for this game is that you’ll often only lose Stamina in significant falls. However, the issue is the size of the fall.
In some jumps, you aren’t losing anything, but with certain jumps, you’ll suffer from stamina loss, some health loss, and in some cases, straight-up, you will die.
This article will look at how to stop Fall Damage in Elden Ring and then see how it functions.
Prevent Fall Damage & How It Works in Elden Ring
As we have explained, Fall Damage works by either doing nothing, decreasing the Stamina and HP you have, or even taking your life.
The fall’s severity determines the game’s impact to decide how much damage you will suffer. There are two methods to protect yourself from falling damage from happening in Elden Ring.
- Take Rainbow stone drop: This is one item you could easily ignore. It appears on paper that it seems like it has no purpose, but once you go through its description, you’ll learn about its actual usage. It can use to determine how deadly the fall is.
According to the description of the game of the object. The greater the pitch of the stone, the more damage you’ll sustain when you fall. Make sure you heal yourself before attempting to jump into such a situation.
Drop a rainbow stone, and If it lights, you’ll make it through the autumn. But, of course, If the stone cracks on falling, If you do, you’ll be dead should you leap. So suppose you want to make use of it.
- Open your inventory.
- In the Tools tab, Look for the Rainbow stone.
- Click it and choose to use it. Make sure you are close to a cliff from which you want the test to conduct.
- You’ll be able to notice your character dropping the form of a gemstone that appears to be a rainbow.
- You can make an ethereal stone with the broken ruin. All you require is a crafting kit to create this item on your own.
- Equipped Longtail Cat Talisman It not suggested; however, you may make use of it if you have to. The game’s description states, “Renders the wearer immune to falling damage.”. It can negate all the fall-related damage, but the downside is that you may still fall to the ground if your leap is not high enough. This is why it’s an opportunity to win when you are confident that the fall won’t cause you death and you can leap. The result will be one of the two possibilities, and you’ll die or fall safely.
Furthermore, your steed Torrent will not be much of aid in falling. If a fall proves fatal, even the double jump will not save you.
This covers all you need to know about Fall damage to Elden Ring and how it operates. Then, make sure to read for our additional Elden Ring Guides for advice on other subjects in the game.