Popular Rush Playlist Removed from Battlefield 2042: Battlefield 2204 had a difficult launch. Although the initial release was a success, there mixed reactions to the online multiplayer shooter.
There are still questions about specific design elements and polish. However, with its fast-paced action, Battlefield2042 has created some optimism around the game.
Rush intended to be a short-term offering, and it is now over. Battlefield2042 has removed Rush from its official playlist.
Rush was a fixture in the game for so many years that many began to believe that Rush would be a permanent fixture in Battlefield.
DICE has ended the limited-time mode. This is incorrect. Gunmaster and Free have replaced the limited-time method for all game modes, which will also be unavailable for a short time.
Battlefield players have not stopped them from asking for Rush back.
DICE is fair, and there is still a Rush mode in Battlefield 20,42, but it’s not the same Rush or the generations-spanning Rush of Ages modes.
A Battlefield Bad Company Rush mode is now available in Battlefield 2042‘s Portal browser.
Kevin Johnson, Battlefield 2042‘s community manager, confirmed that Rush of Ages would return shortly.
It sounds almost like DICE is trying to balance its plans to deliver Battlefield2042 what it wants with what it also wants.
Although it is not what players want, the rush mode can find, and Battlefield 2104 has other temporary methods.
This raises the question of why some Battlefield2042 players, and certain sections of the community, are so upset at EA ICE.
It’s not an easy answer. But, unfortunately, battlefield2042 did not meet expectations.
It appears that there is a more significant cause: discontent within the Battlefield2042 community.
Some unhappy players refuse to quit and criticize any additions or changes made by DICE.
A subreddit for the game may close due to its leader condemning its hostility.
There is no simple solution to the problem. Rush is the current focus, but it’s only temporary.
Rush is still available and will return in various forms moving forward. DICE cannot do anything but make Battlefield 2204 as great as it imagines, and players who aren’t trapped in a loop of discontent will still enjoy it as it is.
Battlefield 4042 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S.