One Kick Can Devastate Players: People can now play Elden Ring, and they’re quickly learning how bad some situations can be if they don’t pay attention. They were trying to get through Elden Ring’s early Stormveil Castle location when one of them was killed by a single kick from a nearby player.
Death itself comes from a lot of different things. Getting kicked by an enemy sends the player on a crash course through the respawn system in Elden Ring. Stormveil Castle is a prominent place, so players who know the layout might already know how the player died.
On the other hand, this clip shows that it was never the fall that killed them.
They fight a group of Castle Guards in the video. They make up most of the enemies in Stormveil Castle, and they can find all over the place. However, an otherwise good dodge roll puts the player next to one of these enemies, who kicks the player hard when the invincibility frames are over.
As a result of this simple kick attack. The player falls from the castle’s side and onto a lower platform below.
This attack is even worse because neither the kick nor the fall damage killed the player.
If someone from off-screen throws a fireball at you as you start to rise from your fall. That’s how you can kill them. It’s a terrifying 10 seconds. It looks like the player has made it out alive, but then they run into some bad luck in the style of the Elden Ring.
It can be crucial for games by From Software to have deaths that don’t seem fair at the time. In this game, an enemy with a kick place right next to a scaffolding that leads to death in one of many ways.
On the other hand, the community of players all shares these moments. So there is at least some comfort in that so many people have been through the same things as you.
Elden Ring is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. It is also available for Xbox One.