Get the Erudition Gesture in Elden Ring: Often, the Gestures your character can make in Elden Ring are just simple and fun ways to communicate with other players, either in person or by writing them down.
However, some Gestures can use in games, such as the Erudition Gesture. Before you can use this Gesture to solve some environmental puzzles, you’ll need first to learn how to do it. You can get the Erudition Gesture in Elden Ring by following these steps.
A sorcery student named Shops lives inside Irith’s Church. You can find it next to the cliffs that face the lake in the Lakes region. Thomas kick out of the Raya Lucaria Academy. He wants nothing more than to be able to go back.
To get into the Academy, though, he needs a Flintstone Key, and he won’t let you use the primary key because he knows that you need it. There is a spare key that can find inside the Academy. He’ll only take that.
How to Get the Erudition Gesture in Elden Ring
Before you can go inside the Academy, you’ll need to interact with its front doors to get the map to the Flintstone Keys, which will show you how to get there. Flintstone Dragon Smarag is sleeping in a cave near the Crystalline Woods. The primary key is behind him. Keep him from getting up if you can.
When you get inside the Academy, you need to go to the Church of Cuckoo. After defeating the Red Wolf of Radagan and going through the Academy courtyard, you can get there. This is how the spare key is found: It’s on a body hanging from a chandelier, hanging from the ceiling of a church.
If you want to get up there, you’ll first have to follow the broken wall up to the second floor. Then, follow the western stair path until you find a safe place to jump down to the Academy’s rooftops. People who want to go up to the Church of Cuckoo have to follow the roof path.
One day, they’ll be on the top floor. There is a second Glintstone Key that can find on the corpse. Jump down to get it.
Visit the Church of Irith and talk to Shops again. As soon as you give him the spare key, you should buy all the items in his store’s inventory. Once you give him the key, you won’t be able to get into his store. Shops will provide you with the Erudition Gesture after you buy him out. He’ll give you the key after that. He’ll be thrilled to be able to go back to the Academy, and he’ll want you to come to visit him there.
You can go back to the Academy if you want to learn more. It would help if you went from the Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace. To find Shops, go out the western door and around the right side of the building. You’ll find him, or at least what’s left of him! There were a lot of crazy soldiers and spellcasters at the Academy, so I should have told him that. Then, too bad.