Get Elden Ring Mimic Tear Ashes: Elden Ring companions are the companions who can help you in battles within Elden Ring. With the appropriate Spirit, the partner can make fights appear more accessible than before.
We believe that the most effective Spirit companion is Mimic Tear Ashes. Let’s look at the steps to obtain the Mimic Tear Ashes located within the Elden Ring.
The image we have featured is an original snapshot of the video created by P4wnyhof. You can view the complete original video on this post.
How to Get Mimic Tear Ashes in Elden Ring (Location)
To acquire Mimic Tear Ashes to unlock the Elden Ring, you must defeat Mimic Tear boss from Nokron Eternal City and pick the Mimic Tear Ashes from Night’s Sacred Ground.
To unlock and gain access to this location, it is necessary to defeat Demi-God Starscourge Radahn in Redmane Castle, Camelid. You can also do this in conjunction with Ranni of the Witch’s mission.
After you defeat Starscourge Radahn, the star will come out of the sky, and you’ll be able to unlock Nokron Eternal City. The star will fall in the south of Mistwood. Use your map to leap into the hole created by the principal that lost.
Once you’re inside Nokron Eternal City, use the rooftops to access the entire city’s central area. There you will find an obstacle in the form of a fog wall that you must defeat an opponent called the Mimic Tear boss. The boss is the replica that you play as.
Make sure you take off all weapons and equipment before putting them back on when the boss fight begins. This is the simplest way to have the boss appear without guns and make it simple to defeat.
After the fight, head to the Site of Grace in Ancestral Woods until you reach Night’s Sacred Ground. You’ll see an archway leading to The Site of Grace.
Do not descend into the ground but towards the building in front of you. Then, take a left and go to the archway that you noticed at your position at the Site of Grace. Continue until you reach an altar. Utilize the Stonesword Key and remove to fog.
On the inside, you can defeat the enemy who guards the altar and then collects Mimic Tear Ashes from the cheating.
It’s all about gaining Mimic Tear Ashes in Elden Ring (location). Do not forget to go through the Elden Ring Guides if you’re there.