Final Fantasy 14’s Housing Lottery System Details: Final Fantasy 14 is getting ready to release Newfound Adventure. Its first major content update since Endwalker. This is the first time the game has added many new things since.
Prepare for the new Housing Lottery System that is coming with it: Final Fantasy 14 details how players can get a house in the Empyreum area of Ishgard.
In the past, houses in Final Fantasy 14 bought on a first-come, first-served basis. A new lottery system called the Housing Lottery System will buy all land in Newfound Adventure.
Final Fantasy 14’s Housing Lottery System Details
In Final Fantasy 14, a new Lottery System works on a 9-day cycle. Five days in, people pay the total price for their house to get in. Finally, the winner will chose and have 4 days to claim their land.
The plot will put back into the lottery if the winner doesn’t come forward. The winner will get back half of the Gil they spent on the entry. Those who lost can get back all of their Gil in 90 days by going to the placard on the plot’s plot. This is how.
The lottery can be entered by anyone who works for a Free Company in FF14. Each person who enters must pay the full fee to do so. If a private person or a Free Company wins a lot of plots. They will have to give back half of the money they paid.
Final Fantasy 14 is getting rid of the Price Reduction System, which meant that the price of a piece of land went down over time because very few plots of land stayed empty for long in FF14’s housing market.
People who want to buy land also need to be a member of a Free Company for 30 days before they can do so. This is to stop RMT in Final Fantasy 14 when people illegally sell each other’s things.
Playing the Housing Lottery System is a big deal to most people who play. Bots and large Free Companies often had an unfair advantage because they could spam a plot’s placard until they got it. It still gives Free Companies an excellent chance to win, but it will cost a lot and be risky.
However, some players are still not sure about the new one. As a result, it may not be able to fix all of the problems with housing in Final Fantasy 14.
For example, many Japanese players won’t be able to buy homes for their Free Companies because of World Transfers around the new Meteor Data Center, so they won’t be able to buy homes for their Free Companies.
Final Fantasy 14 is doing its best to deal with these “edge cases,” and it has said that it will keep an eye on the situation and make changes as needed.
Final Fantasy 14 is now available on PC, PS4, and PS5. It can also play on PS5. Newfound Adventure will be out in April.