Elden Ring Player Kills The Turtle Pope: A lot of people like the characters and monsters in Elden Ring. Miriel, also known as the Turtle Pope, is the one that has drawn the most attention from fans. Elden Ring’s sorcery and incantations can buy from Miriel, an NPC who lives at the Church of Vows. She has a calm and friendly personality that isn’t see in The Lands Between.
Unlike Fia, the Turtle Pope doesn’t have any tricks. He’s just an interesting character who adds a little light to the world. The Turtle Pope is one of the nicest people in The Lands Between, so some players wondered what would happen if they killed him.
Pizza Gaming Channel, a YouTube channel, did just that. But, of course, not many people would do that.
To show what happens when someone kills the Turtle Pope, Prizaa posted a video. : Miriel will not fight back in any way.
He’ll even hide in his shell because he thinks the player can’t break it. I can’t die, and I won’t do anything to you. So stop wasting your time and energy.
It doesn’t work that way for Prizzaa Gaming Channel. So they don’t, and the Turtle Pope kill.
People who complete the quest get Miriel’s Bell Bearing, which lets them buy his items from Roundtable Hold. They also get 12 turtleneck types of meat, which can use to make a Pickled Turtleneck.
Players can also get forgiveness from the church to bring back NPCs that the Elden Ring player has killed. But unfortunately, Pizza learns that this doesn’t work for Miriel. Once he leaves, he’s gone for good.
Viewers of Prizzaa’s show made a good point: The player doesn’t need absolution because Miriel forgave the player as they killed him, which is a knife twist on the act.
If you’re curious about what Prizzaa did, you can watch this video instead of doing it yourself, which is a good thing. Because Margit is innocent, they might go after an Elden Ring boss who should kill like Margit instead of a clear Turtle Pope.
There is a lot for players to find and learn about in this game, even though this isn’t a good “answer.” For example, the Elden Ring player found a hidden wall in Volcano Manor that needs 50 hits to open a secret path.
It’s been a month or so since the game release. So chances are, there are a lot of little mysteries in the game. Hopefully, none of them are as bad as killing the Turtle Pope.
There is a new game called Elden Ring that you can play on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.