Deino’s Community Day is June 2022, as Niantic phases off Remote Raid Passes: The First Community Day of Season of Go includes Deino, a Dragon-type Pokémon. Those who haven’t captured the elusive Dragon-type should look forward to June 25. Unfortunately, the event also nerfs the famous Remote Raid Pass, which bodes poorly for its future.
On June 25, from 11 AM to 2 PM, Deino will be more common. As a Dragon-type Pokémon, players should scour their neighborhoods for it and level it up to Hydreigon. After that, Deino may be sparkling in the wild.
Deino will learn brutal swing two hours after the tournament ends if it evolves into Hydreigon. Hydreigon is a good PvP and raiding Pokémon. Thus, players should go if they can. We don’t know how brutal swing will perform, but adding another Dark-type move is always a plus.
During the event, Zweilous will emerge in four-star raids. All players may utilize this event to complete raid fights, although Remote Raid Passes won’t work. All four-star Zweilous attacks need ordinary or premium Raid Passes. Although raid passes aren’t available for this event, Niantic’s move indicates that they are phasing down this function in the future, which was hailed when the COVID-19 Pandemic occurred in early 2020.
The Community should continue to discuss this change. It isn’t very confident after Niantic’s Community Day cutbacks, however. Niantic contacted the Community about Community Day modifications, but the team stayed firm. We expect the same with Remote Raid Passes.