Chinese Blizzard Players Can Now Get Rewards: NetEase, Blizzard’s publisher in China, has a rewards program that lets people earn points that they can use to buy digital gifts for its games. Recently, it added a new way for players to earn points: by reporting illegal behavior in games like World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and other Blizzard games.
When NetEase came out with its rewards program last year. It gave people 1 point for every 1 yuan they spent on Blizzard games and products. With this new system, players can also get points if they report a player for doing illegal things, like botting, hacking, or misbehaving.
If the report leads to account action, the player will get points.
Each Chinese Blizzard account has a badge. That shows how many reports of illegal funds the player has made that have worked. These badges will change into new designs and styles that other players will see at specific points in the game.
These upgrades will also come with many NetEase points, which you can use to get unique gifts. Often, rewards like Hearthstone card packs and Heroes of the Storm skins are given out.
Chinese Blizzard Players Can Now Get Rewards
As well as cosmetics only available through the World of Warcraft TCG, like the Big Battle Bear or the Dark Portal Hearthstone toy.
With this most recent update, NetEase also added a new way to freeze your account. If your account is at risk, this feature lets you freeze or unfreeze it. It also enables you to do this when you’re taking a break from playing the games and want an extra layer of protection.
It doesn’t matter that this reward system is only available in China, but some players want it to be different. Points could earn by spending money on subscriptions and game services. Which could then use to buy extra cosmetics and hard-to-find items in the Blizzard cash shop.
This would be a good thing to add. Also, many players think that giving people money for reporting bad behavior and making the community better could help make games like World of Warcraft less toxic.
Then again, China is well-known for its strict rules on games, so there is skepticism about such a system. There are echoes of the Social Credit System that is bad. Its effects go far beyond making a positive gaming community.
This could also lead people to send in spam reports to try and get points, which could take up time for game developers. As a result, it is unlikely that Blizzard will use the system outside of China.