Call of Duty: Warzone Will Feature a Ranked Mode: Call of Duty Warzone has been tense over the past several months. Between glitches, bugs, balance issues, hackers, and various other issues, players have become bored from the Call of Duty: Warzone. And are looking forward to the news that it will be released this morning.
It’s good news for players that there was a wealth of information released regarding what’s to come with Warzone and Warzone 2. Including assurances that Warzone 2.0 is in the works and will release in the coming year, along with another Call of Duty game.
This information could take either way with players due to its current history in the series. However, it should thrilling for those who want to see some modifications.
In addition to the information concerning the Call of Duty: Vanguard and Warzone changes. Raven Software also confirmed that the current Warzone would soon add the option of a ranked mode.
Many players have been requesting a ranked mode for many years. To give players a chance to be rewarded for their talents and match similarly skilled players.
When you consider that other major players in the Battle Royale industry, like Apex Legends and Fortnite, are also offering competitive modes, many players are excited to know that this new feature will be coming soon.
Call of Duty: Warzone Will Feature a Ranked Mode
A ranked mode added to Warzone will be an enormous change in the game, particularly when the matchmaking is geared toward players of similar levels.
Making a system for matchmaking can ensure highly experienced players keep separate from less experienced or new players. Allowing all players to compete to the degree they want to play.
Although it cannot distinguish Warzone users by their configuration, this game is an important step in the right direction, particularly since players have asked for it for a long time.
Raven Software needs to address some of its shortcomings for the ranked mode to be successful. Glitches and bugs plague the game. Present throughout the game. Including Warzone‘s purchase glitch in the station and an issue that invisibly makes enemies and other objects.
Hackers are also a constant issue, as is the latest hack targeting Warzone‘s Rebirth Island and flying vehicles slamming helicopters from the sky. With such issues and other issues still plaguing the game. It’s ideal if Raven Software cleaned them up before starting the ranked mode.
However, adding a ranked mode and other modifications in Warzone are sure to make a great feature to add for the sport. Players will place against players of similar skill to professionals. While pros will match against other players, providing an ongoing challenge.
It will be interesting to see how this will affect Warzonelong-term. However, it is likely to go in the right direction for the foreseeable future.
Call of Duty: Warzone is available for download across PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.