Buy Ghost Glovewort 7 8 & 9 in Elden Ring: When the Tarnished travels to find the shattered pieces from the Elden Ring, they may meet an NPC named Roderika in the Stormhill Shack early in the game.
After completing a quick task for her, Roderick will be the Roundtable Hold’s official Spirit Tuner. Capable of enhancing the power in the player’s Spirit Ashes. Which are the powerful summons that players can utilize to aid in combat.
These upgrades are, however, at the cost of Ghost Glovewort. Additionally, the most expensive upgrades require Ghost Glovewort 7and 8. and 9.
Most often, it is found within the dark crypts in Elden Ring. The best method to unlock unlimited Ghost Glovewort to purchase is to locate Ghost Glovewort Picker’s bell. Bearing to donate to Twin Maiden Husks of the Roundtable Hold.
This article will assist players in finding Ghost Glovewort Picker’s bell Bearing (3) to aid in upgrading The Tarnished’s Spirit Ashes to +7, +8, and +9.
Where to Find the Bell Bearing (Location Spoilers Ahead)
To locate the Ghost Glovewort Picker’s bell Bearing (3), Players must have taken home both pieces from the Haligtree Secret Medallion from The Albinauric Village and Castle Sol as part of the questline for Latina.
This will open the path through Elphael, the Consecrated Snowfield. And Raphael, Brace of the Haligtree, and where players will discover The Bell Bearing.
The quest to reach Elphael is an obstacle. The Tarnished must first figure out the ever-dying candles puzzle at Ordina, Liturgical Town. Before climbing Miquella’s Haligtree and overcoming Loretta Knight of the Haligtree.
After thoroughly exploring the roots-laden city, players find the “Elphael Inner Wall’ Site of Grace. From this point, head through the brazier-lined archway, to the left, and the left through a curving corridor surrounded by roots.
Take a walk through the roots on the left, through a gap inside the wall that leads towards Elphale’s Scarlet Rot waterfalls. Next, the players must walk through the sludge and reach a cliff to the opposite side, which is where they can safely drop off to the right side of the roots of a bridge that lead down.
Buy Ghost Glovewort 7 8 & 9 in Elden Ring
Take care to place a platform on your roots to access the previously inaccessible cliff and an archway that leads to the Cistern. Then, follow the ladder to the left and go further to the lower end to get to the drainage channel’ Site of Grace.
Take the Cistern out by way of an archway that leads to the outside. Proceed through a few more roots, embracing that wall on the left. The first chance is to go to the right to do the signature FromSoftware. Buttress Platforming before dropping to the left onto a different root.
This will take the player straight to another buttress, and they’ll need to go to the right to enter the courtyard.
The player will then move across and to their left and pass through the archway before heading toward the cliffs to discover a graveyard filled with centipedes.
After battling the enemies, they can proceed to the lower ledge and locate The Ghost Glovewort Picker’s Bearing (3) at the bottom of a vast light-colored tree.
After you have gotten the Bell Bearing, you can travel through after grabbing the Bell Bearing. Go to Roundtable Hold and follow the left-hand passageway towards the twin maiden husks. Who will sell products to the players.
Give them Ghost Glovewort’s Picker’s Ball Bearing (3). And they’ll provide them with an unlimited supply of Ghost Glovewort 7, 8, and 9 to purchase.
Elden Ring is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.