Artist Combines Pokemon With Elden Ring Pots: Gamers enjoy taking popular games, like the Pokemon series, mixing them, coming up with new and exciting ideas. This is especially true with artists who incorporate ideas, like the recently released Pokemon Violet and Scarlet. This is what one artist is doing. They are combining the classic series with a new hit.
A person on Twitter who goes by the handle is an artist. Sinister and Poltergeist, two ghost-type Pokemon, have mixed with the ARPG’s Pot Friend to make Elden Ring. Afterwards, both Pokemon have changed into different types of Pokemon. The two Ghost-types now look a lot like the Pot Friend, with parts of both visible.
Bromojumbo’s art has been getting a lot of positive attention. Many people seem to like the new look of the two Pokemon. People aren’t happy about the only thing that Bromojumbo has, the types Sinister and Poltergeist. They gave Sinister and Poltergeist a second Steel-type to go with their Ghost-type.
Artist Combines Pokemon With Elden Ring Pots
It would have been better to use the Ground or Rock-type instead of Steel. Besides that, it was also said that the Pokemon would be better suited for the Water-Typing because they are tea in jars, which would need water to make. Any way you look at it, the designs for the two pocket monsters work well with them. They do an excellent job of drawing from Elden Ring.
It was first shown in a trailer for Elden Ring at the 2021 Summer Game Fest. Pot Boy was the name given to it by gamers when it first came out. Soon after, the Pot Friends meme was all the rage. Many people thought the design was cute, but some were afraid because they knew they would have to kill the animal.
Pot Friend has arms and legs, but the most important thing about it is the spiral design that goes around its upper edge. Bromojumbo’s version of Sinister and Poltergeist changed to glyphs, better for the Pokemon because they look more like the type of letter.
This makes Sinistea’s pot look more like the one in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Cracks and holes were added to it to make it look more like the one in Pokemon Sword and Shield.
Earlier this month, artist Bromojumbo came up with new forms for Voltorb and Electrode based on the game from FromSoftware. This isn’t the first time Bromojumbo has mixed Pokemon and Elden Ring.
To make them Electric/Dark types, they were both made to look sinister. Fans of the series of Pokemon mash-ups with Elden Rings will be happy to hear that there are going to be a few more coming. Afterwards, it will be interesting to see what else Bromojumbo can come up with.
They expected to release for the Nintendo Switch in 2022.