Apex Legends Mobile is out next week: According to Respawn Entertainment, Apex Legends Mobile. The company’s ever-popular battle/royale hero shooter, will arrive globally on May 17 for iOS and Android. The smartphone game release in a limited regional release earlier this year in numerous nations.
The game’s official Twitter account, which also published a cinematic teaser for the mobile app, revealed the release date. However, according to an exporter story released on Tuesday, the video closed with a tease for a new legend who is claimed to be unique to Apex Legends Mobile.
According to an exporter, Fade, also known as the “Phasing Punisher,” is the latest legend, and he has a few “Void”-based skills that allow him to travel rapidly and imprison other codes within the void.
Prospective Android users may pre-register for the game on the Google Play store. Pre-registration for iOS in the App Store hasn’t started yet. But those interested may sign up for a mailing list to be notified when it does.
Apex Legends Mobile will be different from the main game in a few aspects. To begin with, it will not have every tale from the main game. It also has a perk system and a Team Deathmatch mode.
On May 10, the console and PC versions of Apex Legends began their 13th season, which included the inclusion of a brand-new legend, Newcastle.