Announcing the rewards for Little Ladies’ Day 2022: Finally, Final Fantasy 14 is about to start its spring event season. It just finished its winter event season. Little Ladies’ Day 2022, “Dressed to Impress,” is the first of its spring holiday events.
This year’s Little Ladies’ Day Final Fantasy 14 starts on March 14 and ends early on March 31, giving players two weeks to finish it. This year’s event is called Little Ladies’ Day. Year’s Little Ladies’ Day event will be held in the city of Utah, just like in the past.
In the event, players who have reached level 15 can take part. This means even new players or people playing Final Fantasy 14 on a free trial can take part. This quest will available outside the Ul’dah Aetheryte plaza from an hour named Marabel when the event starts.
You can do it to show off your fashion sense! The Little Lady’s Crown will give to players when the quest is over so that they can wear it.
The Little Ladies’ Day event in Final Fantasy 14 base on the Japanese Hinamatsuri holiday, also known as Doll’s Day or Girls’ Day.
It is in the same vein as the event in the game. Often, Little Ladies’ Day is a celebration of spring. It usually includes heartfelt stories and makes girls feel like princesses for a day. This time, the storey looks like it’s about a beauty pageant.
Announcing the rewards for Little Ladies’ Day 2022
As a famous trio of female singers, the Songbirds often appear at these events. This time, though, they don’t seem to be the main attraction, though they could still appear as a surprise guest.
A popular event in Final Fantasy 14 is “Little Ladies’ Day.” Players like it because of the heartfelt stories and the prizes, which are often good items for making glamours. As a reward this year, you will get the Little Lady’s Crown.
It’s adorable, and it will look good in many different clothes. If that wasn’t enough, in FF14, the crown could also worn by characters like Viera and Hrothgar, both of whom have big ears and animal features.
Fans of Final Fantasy 14 may not be happy with the event this year, but they still like it a lot! As in previous events, there is only one reward this time. Other times there have been a lot of things to get, like whole outfits, minion outfits, and even titles to get.
What’s worse, the crown can’t dyed, which means it can only match a limited number of looks. However, Final Fantasy 14 is brutal at work on Newfound Adventure, the first major content patch for Endwalker, coming soon. That may be why there aren’t many rewards for this Little Ladies’ Day event, but it’s still sad to see that there isn’t much of a reason to do it.
It is now available for P.C., PS4, and PS5 so that you can play it.