All passive abilities available in Overwatch 2: The characters of Overwatch are different, with origins from all over the world, with distinct backgrounds. The gameplay is different for each character, and they all have their arsenal of skills to make the character you choose crucially.
Although operational capabilities are the first item you think of, the ones hidden beneath are just as important. These are the passive abilities available in Overwatch 2.
Class passive abilities
- DPS All characters that suffer from damage will see an increased speed in their movements
- Support – All Support characters can heal passively if they do not take any damage for a short time.
- Tank All Tank characters aren’t knocked back the same way as other characters. They also produce lower Ultimate charges from healing and the damage they suffer.
Hero passive abilities
- Baptiste – crouch and hold to charge your boots so that you can leap higher.
- Briggate – inflicting damage on enemies slowly heals you and your co-workers.
- D.Va Ejects from her mech when destroyed.
- Doomfist gains health for a short period when dealing with damage caused by abilities.
- Echo – can glide when falling when you hold an open
- Genji can scale barriers and do double leaps.
- Hanzo can climb walls.
- Junkrat does not cause self-damage with explosives but drops an explosives cluster upon death.
- Lucio can travel along walls with a slight speed increase.
- Mercy – recovers health faster than other Supports. It also gently is lowered into the air while being held by your Jump
- The Pharaoh- Hold Jump until hover.
- Reaper – taking damage to enemies, heals you.
- Sombra can spot enemies with crucial health hidden behind walls and inflicts 40percent more harm by hacking enemies
- Zarya Blocks damage with her barriers and boosts the crack of her weapon.
- Zenyatta – increased melee damage and also has a strong knockback.